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You have the ability to personalize and tailor specific behaviours of the component on your website by incorporating additional code into your HTML. The component currently supports a variety of existing behaviours that you can leverage to further enhance the functionality of your website. These behaviours include:

Search Bar Visibility

Enabling or disabling the search bar for the component is possible. It is recommended to disable the search bar when capturing the address as part of the flow to prevent any confusion. If the enablesearchbar is set to false, either the address or a pair of latitude/longitude must be passed as properties for the component.

Save farms button

When you enable the enablesavebtn property, the button that is already present in the component will be hidden or displayed depending on your preference. This feature will prevent confusion when using the DAS Embed Map Component within a web form. Otherwise, your users might see multiple buttons, which could cause confusion.
If you choose to disable the enablesavebtn property by setting it to false, you can still save a property using the exposed methods that we provide. For more information about these methods, please refer to the Exposed Methods section.

DAS ID verification

A custom configuration can be enabled in order to validate the embedFarmId field of the component as an existing DAS ID. If requested, all embedFarmIds included in the embedFarmId field will be cross-checked against the existing user farms on the DAS Rural Platform. If there is an error while trying to fetch the existing farm or making any changes to it, the validation will trigger a callback to the component. Refer to the Error Event for more information.